Tuesday, March 25, 2008

We apologize.

To the lord on your behalf Sabrina. We here at Super Savior Jesus feel sorry for you, we regret that someone with such noble intentions could be so blinded and ensnared by Satan that they cant see the radiant loving words of God expressed through this comic strip. We urge you sister of the faith to look deep within yourself and to god. And ask yourself. What can I do to repent for doing the work of Satan? We here at Super Savior Jesus Go! Hope that you will see the light of god before its too late, and we know your just hurting youself and we hope one day you realize just how empty your life is without the loving light of god. I know it may seem like you think your right. But this is the devils doing and you must repent.

All of us here at Super Savior Jesus Go! are praying for you.
God bless you sister

~ Deanethiro.

P.S. Plus. Your going to piss off god if you keep talking smack about his son. He told me himself. Seriously.

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